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Theory #6: A Spin Off the Evolution Theory.

This theory combines how popular ideas of how humanity was first created and how it has evolved to the way humans are today. Adam and Eve are thought to be the first humans. I do not doubt that, but what if they were the first human account one they were the true perfect being? Lets start from the beginning. In the beginning the big bang took place. Tons of matter was released into the universe as it burst to life. There was one living being, and that being was the start of all living things. Let's just say that it was a single celled organism. This single celled organism went through the process of mitosis and split into two of the same cells. This kept going on infinite amounts of time until the cells started to die do to harsh conditions of nature. The cells needed a new way to live. These cells evolved to breathe not in the sense that we do today, but in the sense that they breathed oxygen out of the water that was on earth. As these cells began to evolve through many years, they eventually became fish. The fish started to evolve to become bigger and better than other fish and some fish became predators to other fish. The other fish that were being eaten started to die and did not survive. Once most of these fish had died, the food cycle caused the "upper class" fish to die. Needing to survive, these fish went to land and became land animals. They then lost their gills and began to breathe the oxygen in the air on the surface of the earth. These fish began to require legs to walk on, so they evolved to the point that would gain them. Once they had legs, it was easy enough for them to then walk on only 2 legs instead of their 4 they had already. These were the monkeys, or gorillas, as some are known today. These monkeys got to warm in the summers and they eventually evolved into humans. These first 2 humans that were "Humans" were Adam and Eve. They were the first two accounts of humans that the universe had every known. Keep in mind that these "evolutions" took many years, and many alternate mutations took place to create all of the animals that we have today.

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